import { ServiceError, LLMConfig, DocumentMetadata } from '../types'; const { store } = require('../store'); import OpenAI from 'openai'; import { OpenRouter } from 'openrouter-client'; import { ollamaService } from './ollamaService'; type Message = { role: 'system' | 'user' | 'assistant'; content: string }; interface OpenAIClient { chat: { completions: { create: Function; }; }; } interface OpenRouterStreamResponse { success: boolean; data?: { choices: Array<{ delta?: { content?: string }; message?: { content: string } }>; }; errorCode?: number; errorMessage?: string; } type OpenRouterConfig = { temperature?: number; model?: string; stream?: boolean; }; interface OpenRouterClient { chat: (messages: Message[], config?: OpenRouterConfig) => Promise; } export class LLMService { #config: LLMConfig; #openaiClient: OpenAIClient | null; #openrouterClient: OpenRouterClient | null; constructor() { const storedConfig = store.get('llm_config'); this.#config = storedConfig || { provider: 'ollama', model: 'jimscard/blackhat-hacker:v2', baseUrl: 'http://localhost:11434', temperature: 0.7, apiKey: null }; // Ensure config is saved with defaults store.set('llm_config', this.#config); this.#openaiClient = null; this.#openrouterClient = null; this.#initializeClient(); } /** * @private */ #initializeClient() { switch (this.#config?.provider) { case 'openai': if (!this.#config.apiKey) { throw new ServiceError('OpenAI API key is required'); } this.#openaiClient = new OpenAI({ apiKey: this.#config.apiKey, baseURL: this.#config.baseUrl, }); break; case 'openrouter': if (!this.#config.apiKey) { throw new ServiceError('OpenRouter API key is required'); } this.#openrouterClient = new OpenRouter(this.#config.apiKey); break; case 'ollama': if (this.#config.baseUrl) { ollamaService.updateBaseUrl(this.#config.baseUrl); } break; } } async query( question: string, onChunk?: (chunk: string) => void ): Promise<{ answer: string, sources: DocumentMetadata[] }> { if (!this.#config?.provider) { throw new ServiceError('LLM provider not configured'); } try { let response; switch (this.#config.provider) { case 'openai': if (!this.#openaiClient) { throw new ServiceError('OpenAI client not initialized'); } const openaiResponse = await{ model: this.#config.model || 'gpt-3.5-turbo', messages: [{ role: 'user', content: question }], temperature: this.#config.temperature || 0.7, stream: true, }); let openaiText = ''; for await (const chunk of openaiResponse) { const content = chunk.choices[0]?.delta?.content || ''; if (content) { openaiText += content; onChunk?.(content); } } response = openaiText; break; case 'openrouter': if (!this.#openrouterClient) { throw new ServiceError('OpenRouter client not initialized'); } const openrouterResponse = await [{ role: 'user', content: question }], { model: this.#config.model || 'openai/gpt-3.5-turbo', temperature: this.#config.temperature || 0.7, stream: true, } ); if (!openrouterResponse.success) { throw new ServiceError(openrouterResponse.errorMessage || 'OpenRouter request failed'); } let routerText = ''; for await (const chunk of || []) { const content = || chunk.message?.content || ''; if (content) { routerText += content; onChunk?.(content); } } response = routerText; break; case 'ollama': const ollamaResponse = await{ model: this.#config.model || 'phi4:latest', messages: [{ role: 'user', content: question }], temperature: this.#config.temperature, onChunk, }); response = ollamaResponse.message.content; break; default: throw new ServiceError(`Unsupported provider: ${this.#config.provider}`); } /** @type {DocumentMetadata[]} */ const sources = []; // TODO: Implement source retrieval from vector store return { answer: response, sources, }; } catch (error) { console.error('Error querying LLM:', error); throw new ServiceError( error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error occurred' ); } } /** * @returns {LLMConfig} */ getConfig() { return this.#config; } /** * @param {LLMConfig} newConfig - The new LLM configuration */ async updateConfig(newConfig) { // Validate required fields from schema if (!newConfig.provider) { throw new ServiceError('Provider is required'); } // Clean config to only include allowed properties from schema const cleanConfig = { provider: newConfig.provider, apiKey: newConfig.apiKey ?? null, model: newConfig.model ?? (newConfig.provider === 'ollama' ? 'phi4' : null), baseUrl: newConfig.provider === 'ollama' ? (newConfig.baseUrl ?? 'http://localhost:11434') : (newConfig.baseUrl ?? null), temperature: typeof newConfig.temperature === 'number' ? newConfig.temperature : 0.7 }; // Validate provider-specific requirements if (cleanConfig.provider !== 'ollama' && !cleanConfig.apiKey) { throw new ServiceError(`${cleanConfig.provider} requires an API key`); } try { store.set('llm_config', cleanConfig); this.#config = cleanConfig; this.#initializeClient(); } catch (error) { throw new ServiceError( error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Failed to update config' ); } } /** * Get available models from Ollama server * @returns {Promise} List of model names */ async getOllamaModels() { try { return await ollamaService.getModels(); } catch (error) { console.error('Error fetching Ollama models:', error); throw new ServiceError( error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Failed to fetch Ollama models' ); } } } const llmService = new LLMService(); export { llmService };