2024-03-03 16:03:22 -05:00
import * as React from 'react' ;
import { DataGrid } from '@mui/x-data-grid' ;
import { GridColDef } from '@mui/x-data-grid' ;
import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField' ;
import { Button , Stack , Typography } from '@mui/material' ;
import CurrencyTextField from '@lupus-ai/mui-currency-textfield' ;
import { DateField } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/DateField' ;
import { LocalizationProvider } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/LocalizationProvider' ;
import { AdapterDayjs } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/AdapterDayjs' ;
import Chip from '@mui/material/Chip' ;
import { Block , Check , Close , Download , OpenInFull , OpenInNew , Refresh , Star , Upload } from '@mui/icons-material' ;
import PriceCheckIcon from '@mui/icons-material/PriceCheck' ;
import AssignmentTurnedInIcon from '@mui/icons-material/AssignmentTurnedIn' ;
import AssignmentLateIcon from '@mui/icons-material/AssignmentLate' ;
import ShoppingCartCheckoutIcon from '@mui/icons-material/ShoppingCartCheckout' ;
import { IconButton } from '@mui/material' ;
import Tooltip from '@mui/material/Tooltip' ;
import { Card , CardContent } from '@mui/material' ;
import Rating from '@mui/material/Rating' ;
import dayjs from 'dayjs' ;
import { DownloadBox , Magnify , StarOutline } from 'mdi-material-ui' ;
import { Dialog , DialogTitle , DialogContent , DialogContentText , DialogActions , FormControl , InputLabel , Box } from '@mui/material' ;
import { Grid } from '@mui/material' ;
import { useRouter } from 'next/router' ;
import { request } from 'http' ;
import { useMediaQuery } from '@mui/material' ;
export default function AdminUsers() {
const isSmallScreen = useMediaQuery ( theme = > theme . breakpoints . down ( 'sm' ) ) ; // Check if the screen size is small
const router = useRouter ( ) ;
let columns = [ ] ;
if ( isSmallScreen ) {
columns = [
{ field : 'id' , headerName : 'User ID' , flex : 0.95 , sortable : false , filterable : false } ,
{ field : "actions" , headerName : "Actions" , flex : 0.05 , sortable : false , filterable : false , renderCell : ( params ) = > {
return < Tooltip title = "View more information about this user." > < IconButton color = "info" onClick = { ( ) = > router . push ( "/dashboard/admin/users/" + params . row . id ) } > < OpenInNew / > < / IconButton > < / Tooltip >
} }
] ;
else {
columns = [
{ field : 'id' , headerName : 'User ID' , flex : 0.2 , sortable : false , filterable : false } ,
{ field : 'displayName' , headerName : 'Display Name' , flex : 0.15 , sortable : false , filterable : false } ,
{ field : 'email' , headerName : 'Email' , flex : 0.2 , sortable : false , filterable : false } ,
2024-03-17 06:47:37 -04:00
{ field : "numberOfRequests" , headerName : "# of Requests" , flex : 0.1 , sortable : false , filterable : false } ,
{ field : "numberOfReviews" , headerName : "# of Reviews" , flex : 0.1 , sortable : false , filterable : false } ,
2024-03-03 16:03:22 -05:00
{ field : "amountSpent" , headerName : "Amount Spent" , flex : 0.1 , sortable : false , filterable : false } ,
{ field : 'status' , headerName : 'Status' , flex : 0.1 , sortable : false , filterable : false , renderCell : ( params ) = > {
if ( params . row . banned ) {
return < Chip icon = { < Block / > } label = "Banned" variant = "outlined" color = "error" / >
else if ( params . row . suspended ) {
return < Chip icon = { < Block / > } label = "Suspended" variant = "outlined" color = "error" / >
else {
return < Chip icon = { < Check / > } label = "Active" variant = "outlined" color = "success" / >
} } ,
{ field : "actions" , headerName : "" , flex : 0.05 , sortable : false , filterable : false , renderCell : ( params ) = > {
return < Tooltip title = "View more information about this user." > < IconButton color = "info" onClick = { ( ) = > router . push ( "/dashboard/admin/users/" + params . row . id ) } > < OpenInNew / > < / IconButton > < / Tooltip >
} }
] ;
const [ isLoading , setIsLoading ] = React . useState ( true ) ;
const [ requestCount , setRequestCount ] = React . useState ( null ) ;
const [ requestData , setRequestData ] = React . useState ( { } ) ;
const [ paginationModel , setPaginationModel ] = React . useState ( {
page : 0 ,
pageSize : 15 ,
} ) ;
const getRequests = async ( ) = > {
setIsLoading ( true ) ;
const response = await fetch ( '/api/admin/users' , {
method : 'POST' ,
headers : {
'Content-Type' : 'application/json' ,
} ,
body : JSON.stringify ( {
completed : true , // Example query parameter
declined : true , // Example query parameter
accepted : true , // Example query parameter
paid : true , // Example query parameter
offset : paginationModel.page * paginationModel . pageSize , // Example query parameter
pageSize : paginationModel.pageSize
} ) ,
} ) ;
const data = await response . json ( ) ;
setRequestData ( data ) ;
setIsLoading ( false ) ;
const getRequestsCount = async ( ) = > {
const response = await fetch ( '/api/admin/users/count' , {
method : 'POST' ,
headers : {
'Content-Type' : 'application/json' ,
} ,
body : JSON.stringify ( {
completed : true , // Example query parameter
declined : true , // Example query parameter
accepted : true , // Example query parameter
paid : true , // Example query parameter
offset : paginationModel.page * paginationModel . pageSize , // Example query parameter
pageSize : paginationModel.pageSize
} )
} ) ;
const data = await response . json ( ) ;
setRequestCount ( data ) ;
setRowCountState ( ( prevRowCountState ) = >
data !== undefined
? data
: prevRowCountState ,
) ;
return data ;
// Some API clients return undefined while loading
// Following lines are here to prevent `rowCountState` from being undefined during the loading
const [ rowCountState , setRowCountState ] = React . useState ( 0 ) ;
React . useEffect ( ( ) = > {
getRequests ( ) ;
getRequestsCount ( ) ;
} , [ requestCount , setRowCountState , paginationModel ] ) ;
return (
< div style = { { height : '100%' , width : '100%' } } >
< Button target = "_blank" href = "https://manage.auth0.com/dashboard" > Open Auth0 Dashboard < / Button >
< LocalizationProvider dateAdapter = { AdapterDayjs } >
< DataGrid
rows = { requestData }
columns = { columns }
rowCount = { rowCountState }
loading = { isLoading }
pageSizeOptions = { [ 15 ] }
paginationModel = { paginationModel }
paginationMode = "server"
onPaginationModelChange = { setPaginationModel }
/ >
< / LocalizationProvider >
< / div >
) ;