2024-02-18 01:44:48 -05:00
import Layout from "../../../components/OLd/layout" ;
2024-02-11 22:53:05 -05:00
import { useUser } from "@auth0/nextjs-auth0/client" ;
2024-02-13 01:47:26 -05:00
import { Box , Grid , Typography , Button , CircularProgress , TextField } from "@mui/material" ;
2024-02-11 22:53:05 -05:00
import { useState , useEffect } from "react" ;
import { useRouter } from 'next/router'
import CurrencyTextField from '@lupus-ai/mui-currency-textfield'
interface TabPanelProps {
children? : React.ReactNode ;
index : number ;
value : number ;
const SellerProfile = ( ) = > {
2024-02-13 01:47:26 -05:00
2024-02-11 22:53:05 -05:00
const { user , isLoading } = useUser ( ) ;
const router = useRouter ( )
const { id } = router . query
const [ sellerData , setSellerData ] = useState ( [ ] ) ;
const [ loading , setLoading ] = useState ( true ) ; // State for loading indicator
useEffect ( ( ) = > {
const getData = async ( ) = > {
if ( id ) {
2024-02-14 21:14:25 -05:00
const response = await fetch ( '/api/discovery/artist/' + id ) ;
2024-02-13 01:47:26 -05:00
const data = await response . json ( ) ;
2024-02-11 22:53:05 -05:00
setSellerData ( data ) ;
setLoading ( false ) ; // Once data is fetched, set loading to false
getData ( ) ;
} , [ id ] ) ;
const handleChange = ( event : React.SyntheticEvent , newValue : number ) = > {
setValue ( newValue ) ;
} ;
const [ value , setValue ] = useState ( 0 ) ;
return (
< Layout user = { user } loading = { isLoading } >
{ loading ? ( // Render loading indicator if loading is true
< Box sx = { { textAlign : "center" , paddingTop :20 } } >
< Typography variant = "h4" sx = { { textAlign : "center" } } >
2024-02-14 23:48:46 -05:00
2024-02-11 22:53:05 -05:00
< / Typography >
2024-02-14 23:48:46 -05:00
< Box sx = { { paddingTop : 5 } } / >
< CircularProgress / >
2024-02-11 22:53:05 -05:00
< / Box >
) : (
< Grid container spacing = { 2 } sx = { { padding :4 } } >
< Grid container sx = { { textAlign : "center" } } >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } sm = { 2 } sx = { { textAlign : "center" } } >
< Button color = "primary" variant = "contained" href = { "../" + id } >
< / Button >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } sm = { 8 } sx = { { textAlign : "center" } } >
< Typography variant = "h4" >
New Request
< / Typography >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } sm = { 2 } sx = { { textAlign : "center" } } >
< / Grid >
< / Grid >
< Grid container item xs = { 12 } sm = { 12 } sx = { { textAlign : "center" } } >
{ user ? (
< >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } sm = { 12 } sx = { { textAlign : "center" } } >
2024-02-14 23:48:46 -05:00
< TextField fullWidth disabled id = "fo" label = "Artist" variant = "outlined" value = { sellerData [ "name" ] } / >
2024-02-11 22:53:05 -05:00
< Box sx = { { padding :2 } } / >
< TextField id = "outlined-multiline-static" label = "Request Details" fullWidth multiline rows = { 4 } defaultValue = "" placeholder = "Put the details of your request. Links to reference images. Descriptions of what you want. Things like that." / >
< Box sx = { { padding :2 } } / >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } sm = { 12 } sx = { { textAlign : "center" } } >
< Button >
< input type = "file" multiple / >
< / Button >
< / Grid >
< Box sx = { { padding :2 } } / >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } sm = { 12 } sx = { { textAlign : "center" } } >
< CurrencyTextField
label = "Offer Amount"
variant = "standard"
value = { value }
currencySymbol = "USD "
outputFormat = "string"
decimalCharacter = "."
digitGroupSeparator = ","
onChange = { ( event , value ) = > setValue ( value ) } / >
< / Grid >
< Box sx = { { padding :2 } } / >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } sm = { 12 } sx = { { textAlign : "center" } } >
< Button color = "secondary" variant = "contained" >
Submit Request
< / Button >
< / Grid >
< / >
) : (
< >
< Typography >
Please login to place a request .
< / Typography >
< Button color = "primary" variant = "contained" href = "/api/auth/login" >
< / Button >
< / >
) }
< / Grid >
< / Grid >
) }
< / Layout >
) ;
} ;
export default SellerProfile ;