2024-02-18 01:44:48 -05:00
import { withPageAuthRequired } from "@auth0/nextjs-auth0/client" ;
import Grid from '@mui/material/Grid' ;
import Card from '@mui/material/Card' ;
import CardContent from '@mui/material/CardContent' ;
import Button from '@mui/material/Button' ;
import { Accordion , Typography } from "@mui/material" ;
import { useEffect , useState } from "react" ;
import Switch from '@mui/material/Switch' ;
import Divider from '@mui/material/Divider' ;
import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField' ;
import { MuiColorInput } from 'mui-color-input'
import { AccordionSummary } from "@mui/material" ;
import ExpandMoreIcon from '@mui/icons-material/ExpandMore' ;
import AccordionDetails from '@mui/material/AccordionDetails' ;
import Slider from '@mui/material/Slider' ;
import ArtistPortfolio from '../../../components/Old/artistPortfolio' ;
2024-02-18 06:59:55 -05:00
import CurrencyTextField from '@lupus-ai/mui-currency-textfield' ;
import Box from '@mui/material/Box' ;
2024-02-18 01:44:48 -05:00
const Profile = ( ) = > {
const [ profileData , setSellerProfileData ] = useState ( null ) ;
const [ backgroundColor , setBackgroundColor ] = useState ( 'rgb(126, 115, 115)' ) ;
const [ headerColor , setHeaderColor ] = useState ( 'rgb(194, 187, 187)' ) ;
const [ headerIsImage , setHeaderImage ] = useState ( false ) ;
const [ headerImageUrl , setHeaderImageUrl ] = useState ( '' ) ;
const [ headerText , setHeaderText ] = useState ( 'Shop' ) ;
const [ headerSize , setHeaderSize ] = useState ( 5 ) ;
const headerVariant = [
'h6' , // Size 1
'h5' , // Size 2
'h4' , // Size 3
'h3' , // Size 4
'h2' , // Size 5
'h1' , // Size 6
] [ headerSize - 1 ] || 'h6' ;
const [ bioColor , setBioColor ] = useState ( 'rgb(186, 186, 186)' ) ;
2024-02-18 06:59:55 -05:00
const [ bioBgColor , setBioBgColor ] = useState ( 'rgb(78, 73, 73)' ) ;
const [ bioHeaderColor , setBioHeaderColor ] = useState ( 'rgb(194, 187, 187)' ) ;
2024-02-18 01:44:48 -05:00
const [ bioHeaderIsImage , setBioHeaderImage ] = useState ( false ) ;
const [ bioHeaderImageUrl , setBioHeaderImageUrl ] = useState ( '' ) ;
const [ bioHeaderText , setBioHeaderText ] = useState ( 'Biography' ) ;
const [ bioHeaderSize , setBioHeaderSize ] = useState ( 3 ) ;
const [ bioSize , setBioSize ] = useState ( 1 ) ;
const bioHeaderVariant = [
'h6' , // Size 1
'h5' , // Size 2
'h4' , // Size 3
'h3' , // Size 4
'h2' , // Size 5
'h1' , // Size 6
] [ bioHeaderSize - 1 ] || 'h6' ;
const bioVariant = [
'h6' , // Size 1
'h5' , // Size 2
'h4' , // Size 3
'h3' , // Size 4
'h2' , // Size 5
'h1' , // Size 6
] [ bioSize - 1 ] || 'h6' ;
2024-02-18 06:59:55 -05:00
const [ portfolioHeaderColor , setPortfolioHeaderColor ] = useState ( 'rgb(194, 187, 187)' ) ;
const [ portfolioHeaderIsImage , setPortfolioHeaderImage ] = useState ( false ) ;
const [ portfolioHeaderImageUrl , setPortfolioHeaderImageUrl ] = useState ( '' ) ;
const [ portfolioHeaderText , setPortfolioHeaderText ] = useState ( 'Portfolio' ) ;
const [ portfolioHeaderSize , setPortfolioHeaderSize ] = useState ( 3 ) ;
2024-02-18 01:44:48 -05:00
const [ portfolioBgColor , setPortfolioBgColor ] = useState ( 'rgb(78, 73, 73)' ) ;
const [ portfolioColumns , setPotrfolioColumns ] = useState ( 2 ) ;
const [ portfolioWoven , setPortfolioWoven ] = useState ( true ) ;
const [ portfolioShouldScroll , setPortfolioShouldScroll ] = useState ( true ) ;
const [ portfolioSize , setPortfolioSize ] = useState ( 25 ) ;
2024-02-18 06:59:55 -05:00
const portfolioVariant = [
'h6' , // Size 1
'h5' , // Size 2
'h4' , // Size 3
'h3' , // Size 4
'h2' , // Size 5
'h1' , // Size 6
] [ portfolioHeaderSize - 1 ] || 'h6' ;
const [ requestHeaderColor , setRequestHeaderColor ] = useState ( 'rgb(194, 187, 187)' ) ;
const [ requestHeaderIsImage , setRequestHeaderImage ] = useState ( false ) ;
const [ requestHeaderImageUrl , setRequestHeaderImageUrl ] = useState ( '' ) ;
const [ requestHeaderText , setRequestHeaderText ] = useState ( 'Requests' ) ;
const [ requestHeaderSize , setRequestHeaderSize ] = useState ( 3 ) ;
const [ requestBgColor , setRequestBgColor ] = useState ( 'rgb(78, 73, 73)' ) ;
const [ requestTermsTextColor , setRequestTermsTextColor ] = useState ( 'rgb(194, 187, 187)' ) ;
const [ requestButtonBGColor , setRequestButtonBGColor ] = useState ( 'rgb(101, 97, 97)' ) ;
const [ requestButtonTextColor , setRequestButtonTextColor ] = useState ( 'rgb(194, 187, 187)' ) ;
const [ requestHoverButtonBGColor , setRequestHoverButtonBGColor ] = useState ( 'rgb(98, 98, 98)' ) ;
const [ requestHoverButtonTextColor , setRequestHoverButtonTextColor ] = useState ( 'rgb(194, 187, 187)' ) ;
const requestVariant = [
'h6' , // Size 1
'h5' , // Size 2
'h4' , // Size 3
'h3' , // Size 4
'h2' , // Size 5
'h1' , // Size 6
] [ requestHeaderSize - 1 ] || 'h6' ;
2024-02-18 01:44:48 -05:00
const getData = async ( ) = > {
const profileResponse = await fetch ( '/api/artist/profile' ) ;
const sellerProfile = await profileResponse . json ( ) ;
setSellerProfileData ( sellerProfile ) ;
useEffect ( ( ) = > {
getData ( )
} , [ ] ) ;
const handleBackgroundColorChange = ( newValue ) = > {
setBackgroundColor ( newValue )
const handleHeaderTextChange = ( e ) = > {
setHeaderText ( e . target . value )
const handleHeaderImageUrl = ( e ) = > {
setHeaderImageUrl ( e . target . value )
const handleHeaderImageToggle = ( e ) = > {
setHeaderImage ( e . target . checked )
} ;
const handleHeaderSize = ( e , newValue ) = > {
setHeaderSize ( newValue )
const handleHeaderColorChange = ( newValue ) = > {
setHeaderColor ( newValue )
const handleBioHeaderTextChange = ( e ) = > {
setBioHeaderText ( e . target . value )
const handleBioHeaderImageUrl = ( e ) = > {
setBioHeaderImageUrl ( e . target . value )
const handleBioHeaderImageToggle = ( e ) = > {
setBioHeaderImage ( e . target . checked )
} ;
const handleBioHeaderSize = ( e , newValue ) = > {
setBioHeaderSize ( newValue )
const handleBioSize = ( e , newValue ) = > {
setBioSize ( newValue )
const handleBioHeaderColorChange = ( newValue ) = > {
setBioHeaderColor ( newValue )
const handleBioColorChange = ( newValue ) = > {
setBioColor ( newValue )
const handleBioBgColorChange = ( newValue ) = > {
setBioBgColor ( newValue )
const handlePortfolioBgColor = ( newValue ) = > {
setPortfolioBgColor ( newValue )
const handlePortfolioColumns = ( e , newValue ) = > {
setPotrfolioColumns ( newValue )
const handlePortfolioWoven = ( e ) = > {
setPortfolioWoven ( e . target . checked )
} ;
const handlePortfolioShouldScroll = ( e ) = > {
setPortfolioShouldScroll ( e . target . checked )
console . log ( portfolioShouldScroll )
} ;
const handlePortfolioSize = ( e , newValue ) = > {
setPortfolioSize ( newValue )
2024-02-18 06:59:55 -05:00
const handlePortfolioHeaderTextChange = ( e ) = > {
setPortfolioHeaderText ( e . target . value )
const handlePortfolioHeaderImageUrl = ( e ) = > {
setPortfolioHeaderImageUrl ( e . target . value )
const handlePortfolioHeaderImageToggle = ( e ) = > {
setPortfolioHeaderImage ( e . target . checked )
} ;
const handlePortfolioHeaderSize = ( e , newValue ) = > {
setPortfolioHeaderSize ( newValue )
const handlePortfolioHeaderColorChange = ( newValue ) = > {
setPortfolioHeaderColor ( newValue )
const handleRequestBgColor = ( newValue ) = > {
setRequestBgColor ( newValue )
const handleRequestHeaderTextChange = ( e ) = > {
setRequestHeaderText ( e . target . value )
const handleRequestHeaderImageUrl = ( e ) = > {
setRequestHeaderImageUrl ( e . target . value )
const handleRequestHeaderImageToggle = ( e ) = > {
setRequestHeaderImage ( e . target . checked )
} ;
const handleRequestHeaderSize = ( e , newValue ) = > {
setRequestHeaderSize ( newValue )
const handleRequestHeaderColorChange = ( newValue ) = > {
setRequestHeaderColor ( newValue )
const handleRequestTermsTextColorChange = ( newValue ) = > {
setRequestTermsTextColor ( newValue )
const handleRequestButtonBGColorChange = ( newValue ) = > {
setRequestButtonBGColor ( newValue )
const handleRequestButtonTextColorChange = ( newValue ) = > {
setRequestButtonTextColor ( newValue )
const handleRequestHoverButtonBGColorChange = ( newValue ) = > {
setRequestHoverButtonBGColor ( newValue )
const handleRequestHoverButtonTextColorChange = ( newValue ) = > {
setRequestHoverButtonTextColor ( newValue )
2024-02-18 01:44:48 -05:00
return (
< Grid container spacing = { 2 } >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 4 } >
< Card >
< CardContent >
< Grid container spacing = { 1 } >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 9 } >
< Typography variant = "h6" >
Customize Your Page
< / Typography >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 3 } >
2024-02-18 06:59:55 -05:00
< Button color = "success" variant = "contained" size = "large" >
2024-02-18 01:44:48 -05:00
< / Button >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } >
< Divider / >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } >
< Accordion defaultExpanded >
< AccordionSummary
expandIcon = { < ExpandMoreIcon / > }
aria - controls = "panel1-content"
< Typography > Background < / Typography >
< / AccordionSummary >
< AccordionDetails >
< Grid container spacing = { 2 } >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } >
< MuiColorInput fullWidth value = { backgroundColor } onChange = { handleBackgroundColorChange } / >
< / Grid >
< / Grid >
< / AccordionDetails >
< / Accordion >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } >
< Accordion defaultExpanded >
< AccordionSummary
expandIcon = { < ExpandMoreIcon / > }
aria - controls = "panel1-content"
< Typography > Header < / Typography >
< / AccordionSummary >
< AccordionDetails >
< Grid container spacing = { 2 } >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } >
< TextField disabled = { headerIsImage } variant = "outlined" fullWidth label = "Header Text" onChange = { handleHeaderTextChange } value = { headerText } size = "small" > < / TextField >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 10 } >
< TextField variant = "outlined" fullWidth label = "Image Url" size = "small" onChange = { handleHeaderImageUrl } > < / TextField >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 2 } >
< Switch checked = { headerIsImage } onChange = { handleHeaderImageToggle } / >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } >
< MuiColorInput disabled = { headerIsImage } label = "Color" fullWidth value = { headerColor } onChange = { handleHeaderColorChange } / >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 3 } >
< Typography variant = "body1" >
Text Size
< / Typography >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 9 } >
< Slider disabled = { headerIsImage } value = { headerSize } onChange = { handleHeaderSize } aria-label = "Size" defaultValue = { 6 } step = { 1 } marks min = { 1 } max = { 6 } / >
< / Grid >
< / Grid >
< / AccordionDetails >
< / Accordion >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } >
< Accordion defaultExpanded >
< AccordionSummary
expandIcon = { < ExpandMoreIcon / > }
aria - controls = "panel1-content"
< Typography > Biography < / Typography >
< / AccordionSummary >
< AccordionDetails >
< Grid container spacing = { 2 } >
2024-02-18 06:59:55 -05:00
2024-02-18 01:44:48 -05:00
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } >
< TextField disabled = { bioHeaderIsImage } variant = "outlined" fullWidth label = "Header Text" onChange = { handleBioHeaderTextChange } value = { bioHeaderText } size = "small" > < / TextField >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 10 } >
< TextField variant = "outlined" fullWidth label = "Header Image Url" size = "small" value = { bioHeaderImageUrl } onChange = { handleBioHeaderImageUrl } > < / TextField >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 2 } >
< Switch checked = { bioHeaderIsImage } onChange = { handleBioHeaderImageToggle } / >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } >
< MuiColorInput disabled = { bioHeaderIsImage } label = "Header Text Color" fullWidth value = { bioHeaderColor } onChange = { handleBioHeaderColorChange } / >
2024-02-18 06:59:55 -05:00
< / Grid >
2024-02-18 01:44:48 -05:00
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } >
< MuiColorInput label = "Background Color" fullWidth value = { bioBgColor } onChange = { handleBioBgColorChange } / >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } >
< MuiColorInput label = "Text Color" fullWidth value = { bioColor } onChange = { handleBioColorChange } / >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 5 } >
< Typography variant = "body1" >
Header Size
< / Typography >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 7 } >
< Slider disabled = { bioHeaderIsImage } value = { bioHeaderSize } onChange = { handleBioHeaderSize } aria-label = "Size" defaultValue = { 6 } step = { 1 } marks min = { 1 } max = { 6 } / >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 5 } >
< Typography variant = "body1" >
Text Size
< / Typography >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 7 } >
< Slider value = { bioSize } onChange = { handleBioSize } aria-label = "Size" defaultValue = { 6 } step = { 1 } marks min = { 1 } max = { 6 } / >
< / Grid >
< / Grid >
< / AccordionDetails >
< / Accordion >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } >
< Accordion defaultExpanded >
< AccordionSummary
expandIcon = { < ExpandMoreIcon / > }
aria - controls = "panel1-content"
< Typography > Portfolio < / Typography >
< / AccordionSummary >
< AccordionDetails >
< Grid container spacing = { 2 } >
2024-02-18 06:59:55 -05:00
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } >
< TextField disabled = { portfolioHeaderIsImage } variant = "outlined" fullWidth label = "Header Text" onChange = { handlePortfolioHeaderTextChange } value = { portfolioHeaderText } size = "small" > < / TextField >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 10 } >
< TextField variant = "outlined" fullWidth label = "Header Image Url" size = "small" value = { portfolioHeaderImageUrl } onChange = { handlePortfolioHeaderImageUrl } > < / TextField >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 2 } >
< Switch checked = { portfolioHeaderIsImage } onChange = { handlePortfolioHeaderImageToggle } / >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } >
< MuiColorInput disabled = { portfolioHeaderIsImage } label = "Header Text Color" fullWidth value = { portfolioHeaderColor } onChange = { handlePortfolioHeaderColorChange } / >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 5 } >
< Typography variant = "body1" >
Header Size
< / Typography >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 7 } >
< Slider disabled = { portfolioHeaderIsImage } value = { portfolioHeaderSize } onChange = { handlePortfolioHeaderSize } aria-label = "Size" defaultValue = { 6 } step = { 1 } marks min = { 1 } max = { 6 } / >
< / Grid >
2024-02-18 01:44:48 -05:00
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } >
< MuiColorInput label = "Background Color" fullWidth value = { portfolioBgColor } onChange = { handlePortfolioBgColor } / >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 10 } >
< Typography variant = "body1" >
Masonry Layout Enabled
< / Typography >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 2 } >
< Switch checked = { portfolioWoven } onChange = { handlePortfolioWoven } / >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 5 } >
< Typography variant = "body1" >
< / Typography >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 7 } >
< Slider value = { portfolioColumns } onChange = { handlePortfolioColumns } aria-label = "Size" defaultValue = { 6 } step = { 1 } marks min = { 1 } max = { 5 } / >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 10 } >
< Typography variant = "body1" >
Enable Scrolling
< / Typography >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 2 } >
< Switch checked = { portfolioShouldScroll } onChange = { handlePortfolioShouldScroll } / >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 4 } >
< Typography variant = "body1" >
Max Size
< / Typography >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 8 } >
< Slider disabled = { ! portfolioShouldScroll } value = { portfolioSize } onChange = { handlePortfolioSize } aria-label = "Size" defaultValue = { 5 } step = { 5 } marks min = { 1 } max = { 100 } / >
< / Grid >
< / Grid >
< / AccordionDetails >
< / Accordion >
< / Grid >
2024-02-18 06:59:55 -05:00
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } >
< Accordion defaultExpanded >
< AccordionSummary
expandIcon = { < ExpandMoreIcon / > }
aria - controls = "panel1-content"
< Typography > Requests < / Typography >
< / AccordionSummary >
< AccordionDetails >
< Grid container spacing = { 2 } >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } >
< TextField disabled = { requestHeaderIsImage } variant = "outlined" fullWidth label = "Header Text" onChange = { handleRequestHeaderTextChange } value = { requestHeaderText } size = "small" > < / TextField >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 10 } >
< TextField variant = "outlined" fullWidth label = "Header Image Url" size = "small" value = { requestHeaderImageUrl } onChange = { handleRequestHeaderImageUrl } > < / TextField >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 2 } >
< Switch checked = { requestHeaderIsImage } onChange = { handleRequestHeaderImageToggle } / >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } >
< MuiColorInput disabled = { requestHeaderIsImage } label = "Header Text Color" fullWidth value = { requestHeaderColor } onChange = { handleRequestHeaderColorChange } / >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 5 } >
< Typography variant = "body1" >
Header Size
< / Typography >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 7 } >
< Slider disabled = { requestHeaderIsImage } value = { requestHeaderSize } onChange = { handleRequestHeaderSize } aria-label = "Size" defaultValue = { 6 } step = { 1 } marks min = { 1 } max = { 6 } / >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } >
< MuiColorInput label = "Background Color" fullWidth value = { requestBgColor } onChange = { handleRequestBgColor } / >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } >
< MuiColorInput label = "Terms Text Color" fullWidth value = { requestTermsTextColor } onChange = { handleRequestTermsTextColorChange } / >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } >
< MuiColorInput label = "Button BG Color" fullWidth value = { requestButtonBGColor } onChange = { handleRequestButtonBGColorChange } / >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } >
< MuiColorInput label = "Button Text Color" fullWidth value = { requestButtonTextColor } onChange = { handleRequestButtonTextColorChange } / >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } >
< MuiColorInput label = "Button Hover BG Color" fullWidth value = { requestHoverButtonBGColor } onChange = { handleRequestHoverButtonBGColorChange } / >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } >
< MuiColorInput label = "Button Hover Text Color" fullWidth value = { requestHoverButtonTextColor } onChange = { handleRequestHoverButtonTextColorChange } / >
< / Grid >
< / Grid >
< / AccordionDetails >
< / Accordion >
< / Grid >
2024-02-18 01:44:48 -05:00
< / Grid >
< / CardContent >
< / Card >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 8 } >
< Grid container spacing = { 1 } >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } >
< Card sx = { { backgroundColor :backgroundColor } } >
< CardContent >
< Grid container spacing = { 1 } >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } sx = { { textAlign : "center" } } >
{ ( headerIsImage ) ? (
< img src = { headerImageUrl } alt = "Header Image" / >
) : (
< Typography variant = { headerVariant } color = { headerColor } >
{ headerText }
< / Typography >
) }
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } sx = { { textAlign : "center" , marginTop : "2%" } } >
< Card sx = { { backgroundColor :bioBgColor } } >
< CardContent >
{ ( bioHeaderIsImage ) ? (
< img src = { bioHeaderImageUrl } alt = "Header Image" / >
) : (
< Typography variant = { bioHeaderVariant } color = { bioHeaderColor } >
{ bioHeaderText }
< / Typography >
) }
< Typography variant = { bioVariant } color = { bioColor } > { ( profileData ? profileData [ "biography" ] : null ) }
< / Typography >
< / CardContent >
< / Card >
< / Grid >
2024-02-18 06:59:55 -05:00
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } sx = { { marginTop : "2%" } } >
2024-02-18 01:44:48 -05:00
< Card sx = { { backgroundColor :portfolioBgColor } } >
2024-02-18 06:59:55 -05:00
< Box sx = { { textAlign : "center" , paddingTop : "2%" } } >
{ ( portfolioHeaderIsImage ) ? (
< img src = { portfolioHeaderImageUrl } alt = "Header Image" / >
) : (
< Typography sx = { { paddingBottom : "2%" } } variant = { portfolioVariant } color = { portfolioHeaderColor } >
{ portfolioHeaderText }
< / Typography >
) }
< / Box >
2024-02-18 01:44:48 -05:00
{ ( portfolioShouldScroll ) ? (
< CardContent sx = { { height : ` ${ portfolioSize } rem ` , overflowY : "scroll" , } } >
{ ( profileData ? (
< ArtistPortfolio masonry = { portfolioWoven } columns = { portfolioColumns } artistId = { profileData [ "id" ] } / >
) : null ) }
< / CardContent >
) : (
< CardContent >
{ ( profileData ? (
< ArtistPortfolio masonry = { portfolioWoven } columns = { portfolioColumns } artistId = { profileData [ "id" ] } / >
) : null ) }
< / CardContent >
) }
< / Card >
< / Grid >
2024-02-18 06:59:55 -05:00
< Grid xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } sx = { { marginTop : "2%" } } >
< Card sx = { { backgroundColor :requestBgColor } } >
< CardContent >
< Grid container >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } sx = { { textAlign : "center" } } >
{ ( requestHeaderIsImage ) ? (
< img src = { requestHeaderImageUrl } alt = "Header Image" / >
) : (
< Typography sx = { { paddingBottom : "2%" } } variant = { requestVariant } color = { requestHeaderColor } >
{ requestHeaderText }
< / Typography >
) }
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } sx = { { textAlign : "center" } } >
< Typography variant = "body1" color = { requestTermsTextColor } >
< / Typography >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } sx = { { textAlign : "center" } } >
< Typography color = "white" variant = "body2" > By clicking the button below , you agree to the
terms and conditions . < / Typography >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } sx = { { textAlign : "center" } } >
< / Grid >
< Grid item xs = { 12 } md = { 12 } sx = { { textAlign : "center" , paddingTop : "2%" } } >
< Button size = "large" variant = "contained" sx = { { backgroundColor :requestButtonBGColor , color :requestButtonTextColor ,
':hover' : {
bgcolor : requestHoverButtonBGColor , // theme.palette.primary.main
color : requestHoverButtonTextColor ,
} , } } > Agree And Start Request < / Button >
< / Grid >
< / Grid >
< / CardContent >
< / Card >
< / Grid >
2024-02-18 01:44:48 -05:00
< / Grid >
< / CardContent >
< / Card >
< / Grid >
< / Grid >
< / Grid >
< / Grid >
) ;
} ;
// Protected route, checking user authentication client-side.(CSR)
export default withPageAuthRequired ( Profile ) ;