fix: filtering and sorting disabled now

This commit is contained in:
Damien Ostler 2024-03-03 14:11:43 -05:00
parent a63d7f35b8
commit ff465278ad
4 changed files with 368 additions and 184 deletions

View File

@ -13,11 +13,14 @@ import PriceCheckIcon from '@mui/icons-material/PriceCheck';
import AssignmentTurnedInIcon from '@mui/icons-material/AssignmentTurnedIn';
import AssignmentLateIcon from '@mui/icons-material/AssignmentLate';
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { useMediaQuery } from '@mui/material';
import dayjs from 'dayjs';
export default function CustomerOrders() {
const isSmallScreen = useMediaQuery(theme => theme.breakpoints.down('sm')); // Check if the screen size is small
const columns = [
{ field: 'id', headerName: 'ID', flex: 0.1},
{ field: 'status', headerName: 'Status', flex: 0.15,
@ -42,12 +45,15 @@ export default function CustomerOrders() {
{ field: 'amount', headerName: 'Amount', flex: 0.1, renderCell: (params) => {
{ field: 'amount', headerName: '$', flex: 0.1, renderCell: (params) => {
return <CurrencyTextField size="small" fullWidth value={params.row.amount} currencySymbol="$" disabled />;
{ field: 'requestDate', headerName: 'Request Date', flex:0.15, type: 'date' ,
valueGetter: (params) => { return new Date(params.row.requestDate); }}
{ field: 'requestDate', headerName: 'Request Date', flex:0.15, type: 'date' ,
valueGetter: (params) => { return new Date(params.row.requestDate); }} );
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = React.useState(true);
const [requestCount, setRequestCount] = React.useState(null);
const [requestData, setRequestData] = React.useState({});

View File

@ -21,55 +21,41 @@ import AssignmentTurnedInIcon from '@mui/icons-material/AssignmentTurnedIn';
import AssignmentLateIcon from '@mui/icons-material/AssignmentLate';
import { Card, CardHeader } from '@mui/material';
import { Dialog, DialogActions, DialogContent, DialogTitle, Grid, Stack } from '@mui/material';
import RequestReferences from '../../../components/requestReferences';
import { useMediaQuery } from '@mui/material';
export default function ServerPaginationGrid() {
const isSmallScreen = useMediaQuery(theme => theme.breakpoints.down('sm')); // Check if the screen size is small
const router = useRouter();
const columns = [
{ field: 'id', headerName: 'ID', flex: 0.1},
{ field: 'status', headerName: 'Status', flex: 0.15,
let columns = []
columns = [
{ field: 'id', headerName: 'ID', flex: 0.1, filterable: false, sortable: false},
{ field: 'status', headerName: 'Status', flex: 0.15, filterable: false, sortable: false,
renderCell: (params) => {
return <Chip icon={<Check />} label="Completed" variant="outlined" color="success" />
return <Check color="success" />
else if(params.row.paid){
return <Chip icon={<PriceCheckIcon />} label="Paid" variant="outlined" color="success" />
return <PriceCheckIcon color="success" />
else if(params.row.accepted && params.row.paid==false){
return <Chip icon={<PriceCheckIcon />} label="Pending Payment" variant="outlined" color="warning" />
return <PriceCheckIcon color="warning" />
else if(params.row.accepted && params.row.paid){
return <Chip icon={<AssignmentTurnedInIcon />} label="Accepted" variant="outlined" color="info" />
return <AssignmentTurnedInIcon color="info" />
else if(params.row.declined){
return <Chip icon={<AssignmentLateIcon />} label="Declined" variant="outlined" color="error" />
return <AssignmentLateIcon color="error" />
return <Chip icon={<Refresh />} label="Pending" variant="outlined" color="secondary" />
return <Refresh color="secondary" />
{ field: 'message', headerName: 'Message', flex: 0.5,
renderCell: (params) => {
return <TextField size="small" fullWidth value={params.row.message} disabled />;
{ field: 'amount', headerName: 'Amount', flex: 0.1, renderCell: (params) => {
{ field: 'amount', headerName: 'Amount', flex: 0.15, filterable: false, sortable: false, renderCell: (params) => {
return <CurrencyTextField size="small" fullWidth value={params.row.amount} currencySymbol="$" disabled />;
{ field: 'requestDate', headerName: 'Request Date', flex:0.15,
renderCell: (params) =>{
let formattedTime = ""
const date = new Date(params.row.requestDate);
formattedTime = date.toLocaleTimeString('en-US', { month: 'long', day: '2-digit', year: 'numeric', hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit' }); // Example format
return <DateField
} },
{ field: 'action', headerName: '', flex:0.15,
{ field: 'action', headerName: '', flex:0.1, filterable: false, sortable: false,
renderCell: (params) =>{
const acceptRequest = async () => {
@ -145,6 +131,129 @@ export default function ServerPaginationGrid() {
} }
columns = [
{ field: 'id', headerName: 'ID', flex: 0.1, filterable: false, sortable: false},
{ field: 'status', headerName: 'Status', flex: 0.15, filterable: false, sortable: false, filterable: false,
renderCell: (params) => {
return <Chip icon={<Check />} label="Completed" variant="outlined" color="success" />
else if(params.row.paid){
return <Chip icon={<PriceCheckIcon />} label="Paid" variant="outlined" color="success" />
else if(params.row.accepted && params.row.paid==false){
return <Chip icon={<PriceCheckIcon />} label="Pending Payment" variant="outlined" color="warning" />
else if(params.row.accepted && params.row.paid){
return <Chip icon={<AssignmentTurnedInIcon />} label="Accepted" variant="outlined" color="info" />
else if(params.row.declined){
return <Chip icon={<AssignmentLateIcon />} label="Declined" variant="outlined" color="error" />
return <Chip icon={<Refresh />} label="Pending" variant="outlined" color="secondary" />
{ field: 'message', headerName: 'Message', flex: 0.5, filterable: false, sortable: false,
renderCell: (params) => {
return <TextField size="small" fullWidth value={params.row.message} disabled />;
{ field: 'amount', headerName: 'Amount', flex: 0.1, filterable: false, sortable: false, renderCell: (params) => {
return <CurrencyTextField size="small" fullWidth value={params.row.amount} currencySymbol="$" disabled />;
{ field: 'requestDate', headerName: 'Request Date', flex:0.15, filterable: false, sortable: false,
renderCell: (params) =>{
let formattedTime = ""
const date = new Date(params.row.requestDate);
formattedTime = date.toLocaleTimeString('en-US', { month: 'long', day: '2-digit', year: 'numeric', hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit' }); // Example format
return <DateField
} },
{ field: 'action', headerName: '', flex:0.15, filterable: false, sortable: false,
renderCell: (params) =>{
const acceptRequest = async () => {
let response = await fetch('/api/artist/requests/'+params.row["id"]+"/accept", { method: 'PUT' })
if(response.status === 200){
alert("Error accepting request.")
const viewRequest = async () => {
const denyRequest = async () => {
let response = await fetch('/api/artist/requests/'+params.row["id"]+"/deny", { method: 'PUT' })
if(response.status === 200){
alert("Error accepting request.")
const completeRequest = async () => {
let response = await fetch('/api/artist/requests/'+params.row["id"]+"/complete", { method: 'PUT' })
if(response.status === 200){
alert("Error accepting request.")
const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false);
const handleClickOpen = () => {
const handleClose = () => {
let formattedTime = ""
const date = new Date(params.row.requestDate);
formattedTime = date.toLocaleTimeString('en-US', { month: 'long', day: '2-digit', year: 'numeric', hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit' }); // Example format
return (<>
<Tooltip arrow title="View more details."><IconButton onClick={() => { router.push("/dashboard/artist/requests/"+params.row["id"])}} aria-label="accept" color="primary" ><OpenInNew/></IconButton></Tooltip>
{((params.row.accepted==false && params.row.declined==false && params.row.completed==false) ? (
<Tooltip arrow title="Accept this request.">
<IconButton onClick={acceptRequest} aria-label="accept" color="success"><Check/></IconButton>
<Tooltip arrow title="Deny this request.">
<IconButton onClick={denyRequest} aria-label="deny" sx={{marginLeft:"2px"}} color="error"><Close/></IconButton>
): null
{((params.row.accepted==true && params.row.declined==false && params.row.completed==false && params.row.paid==true) ? (
<Tooltip arrow title="Complete this request.">
<IconButton onClick={completeRequest} aria-label="complete" color="success"><ClipboardCheck/></IconButton>
): null
} }
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = React.useState(true);
const [requestCount, setRequestCount] = React.useState(null);
const [requestData, setRequestData] = React.useState({});

View File

@ -25,55 +25,43 @@ import { Dialog, DialogTitle, DialogContent, DialogContentText, DialogActions, F
import { Grid } from '@mui/material';
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
import { request } from 'http';
import { useMediaQuery } from '@mui/material';
export default function ServerPaginationGrid() {
const isSmallScreen = useMediaQuery(theme => theme.breakpoints.down('sm')); // Check if the screen size is small
const router = useRouter();
const columns = [
{ field: 'id', headerName: 'ID', flex: 0.1},
{ field: 'status', headerName: 'Status', flex: 0.15,
let columns = [];
columns = [
{ field: 'id', headerName: '', flex: 0.05, sortable: false, filterable: false},
{ field: 'status', headerName: 'Status', flex: 0.15, filterable: false, sortable: false,
renderCell: (params) => {
return <Chip icon={<Check />} label="Completed" variant="outlined" color="success" />
return <Check color="success" />
else if(params.row.paid){
return <Chip icon={<PriceCheckIcon />} label="Paid" variant="outlined" color="success" />
return <PriceCheckIcon color="success" />
else if(params.row.accepted && params.row.paid==false){
return <Chip icon={<PriceCheckIcon />} label="Pending Payment" variant="outlined" color="warning" />
return <PriceCheckIcon color="warning" />
else if(params.row.accepted && params.row.paid){
return <Chip icon={<AssignmentTurnedInIcon />} label="Accepted" variant="outlined" color="info" />
return <AssignmentTurnedInIcon color="info" />
else if(params.row.declined){
return <Chip icon={<AssignmentLateIcon />} label="Declined" variant="outlined" color="error" />
return <AssignmentLateIcon color="error" />
return <Chip icon={<Refresh />} label="Pending" variant="outlined" color="secondary" />
return <Refresh color="secondary" />
{ field: 'message', headerName: 'Message', flex: 0.5,
renderCell: (params) => {
return <TextField size="small" fullWidth value={params.row.message} disabled />;
{ field: 'amount', headerName: 'Amount', flex: 0.1, renderCell: (params) => {
{ field: 'amount', headerName: 'Amount', flex: 0.15, sortable: false, filterable: false, renderCell: (params) => {
return <CurrencyTextField size="small" fullWidth value={params.row.amount} currencySymbol="$" disabled />;
{ field: 'requestDate', headerName: 'Request Date', flex:0.15,
renderCell: (params) =>{
let formattedTime = ""
const date = new Date(params.row.requestDate);
formattedTime = date.toLocaleTimeString('en-US', { month: 'long', day: '2-digit', year: 'numeric', hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit' }); // Example format
return <DateField
} },
{ field: 'download', headerName: '', flex:0.1,
{ field: 'actions', headerName: '', flex:0.1, sortable: false, filterable: false,
renderCell: (params) =>{
const handlePay = async () => {
@ -97,6 +85,78 @@ export default function ServerPaginationGrid() {
} }
columns = [
{ field: 'id', headerName: 'ID', flex: 0.1, sortable: false, filterable: false},
{ field: 'status', headerName: 'Status', flex: 0.15, sortable: false, filterable: false,
renderCell: (params) => {
return <Chip icon={<Check />} label="Completed" variant="outlined" color="success" />
else if(params.row.paid){
return <Chip icon={<PriceCheckIcon />} label="Paid" variant="outlined" color="success" />
else if(params.row.accepted && params.row.paid==false){
return <Chip icon={<PriceCheckIcon />} label="Pending Payment" variant="outlined" color="warning" />
else if(params.row.accepted && params.row.paid){
return <Chip icon={<AssignmentTurnedInIcon />} label="Accepted" variant="outlined" color="info" />
else if(params.row.declined){
return <Chip icon={<AssignmentLateIcon />} label="Declined" variant="outlined" color="error" />
return <Chip icon={<Refresh />} label="Pending" variant="outlined" color="secondary" />
{ field: 'message', headerName: 'Message', flex: 0.5, sortable: false, filterable: false,
renderCell: (params) => {
return <TextField size="small" fullWidth value={params.row.message} disabled />;
{ field: 'amount', headerName: 'Amount', flex: 0.1, filterable: false, renderCell: (params) => {
return <CurrencyTextField size="small" fullWidth value={params.row.amount} currencySymbol="$" disabled />;
{ field: 'requestDate', headerName: 'Request Date', sortable: false, flex:0.15, filterable: false,
renderCell: (params) =>{
let formattedTime = ""
const date = new Date(params.row.requestDate);
formattedTime = date.toLocaleTimeString('en-US', { month: 'long', day: '2-digit', year: 'numeric', hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit' }); // Example format
return <DateField
} },
{ field: 'download', headerName: '', sortable: false, flex:0.1, filterable: false,
renderCell: (params) =>{
const handlePay = async () => {
var paymentUrlRequest = await fetch('/api/requests/''/payment')
var paymentUrlJson = await paymentUrlRequest.json();
var paymentUrl = paymentUrlJson.paymentUrl;;
return (<>
<Tooltip arrow title="View more details."><IconButton onClick={() => { router.push("/dashboard/requests/"}} aria-label="accept" color="primary"><OpenInNew/></IconButton></Tooltip>
{((params.row.accepted==true &&params.row.declined==false && params.row.paid==false) ? (
<Tooltip arrow title="Pay for this request."><IconButton onClick={handlePay} aria-label="accept" color="success"><ShoppingCartCheckoutIcon/></IconButton></Tooltip>
): null
{((params.row.completed) ? (
<Tooltip arrow title="Download requests assets."><IconButton aria-label="download" color="secondary"><Download/></IconButton></Tooltip>
): null
} }
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = React.useState(true);
const [requestCount, setRequestCount] = React.useState(null);
const [requestData, setRequestData] = React.useState({});

View File

@ -278,6 +278,15 @@ const RequestDetails = () => {
disabled={!review || alreadyReviewed}
<Grid item xs={12} md={12}>
{request.completed ? (
request.reviewed ? (
<Alert sx={{width:"100%"}} severity="info">You have reviewed this request so others know the quality of this artists work!</Alert>
<Alert sx={{width:"100%"}} severity="warning">Please leave a review for this request so other users know the quality of this artists work!</Alert>
): null}