import * as React from 'react'; import Accordion from '@mui/material/Accordion'; import AccordionDetails from '@mui/material/AccordionDetails'; import AccordionSummary from '@mui/material/AccordionSummary'; import Box from '@mui/material/Box'; import Container from '@mui/material/Container'; import Link from '@mui/material/Link'; import Typography from '@mui/material/Typography'; import ExpandMoreIcon from '@mui/icons-material/ExpandMore'; export default function FAQ() { const [expanded, setExpanded] = React.useState<string | false>(false); const handleChange = (panel: string) => (event: React.SyntheticEvent, isExpanded: boolean) => { setExpanded(isExpanded ? panel : false); }; return ( <Container id="faq" sx={{ pt: { xs: 4, sm: 12 }, pb: { xs: 8, sm: 16 }, position: 'relative', display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'center', gap: { xs: 3, sm: 6 }, }} > <Typography component="h2" variant="h4" color="text.primary" sx={{ width: { sm: '100%', md: '60%' }, textAlign: { sm: 'left', md: 'center' }, }} > Frequently asked questions </Typography> <Box sx={{ width: '100%' }}> <Accordion expanded={expanded === 'panel1'} onChange={handleChange('panel1')} > <AccordionSummary expandIcon={<ExpandMoreIcon />} aria-controls="panel1d-content" id="panel1d-header" > <Typography component="h3" variant="subtitle2"> What if I am banned on Stripe? </Typography> </AccordionSummary> <AccordionDetails> <Typography variant="body2" gutterBottom sx={{ maxWidth: { sm: '100%', md: '70%' } }} > You can reach out to our customer support on discord. We will help you figure out a solution tailored to your situation. </Typography> </AccordionDetails> </Accordion> <Accordion expanded={expanded === 'panel2'} onChange={handleChange('panel2')} > <AccordionSummary expandIcon={<ExpandMoreIcon />} aria-controls="panel2d-content" id="panel2d-header" > <Typography component="h3" variant="subtitle2"> What happens if I dont like the art the artist provided? </Typography> </AccordionSummary> <AccordionDetails> <Typography variant="body2" gutterBottom sx={{ maxWidth: { sm: '100%', md: '70%' } }} > There are no refunds what so ever on this platform. We are not responsible for the art that is provided by the artist. We are simply a platform that connects artists with clients. We are not responsible for the quality of the art that is provided by the artist. </Typography> </AccordionDetails> </Accordion> <Accordion expanded={expanded === 'panel3'} onChange={handleChange('panel3')} > <AccordionSummary expandIcon={<ExpandMoreIcon />} aria-controls="panel3d-content" id="panel3d-header" > <Typography component="h3" variant="subtitle2"> What makes your product stand out from others in the market? </Typography> </AccordionSummary> <AccordionDetails> <Typography variant="body2" gutterBottom sx={{ maxWidth: { sm: '100%', md: '70%' } }} > We provide support for the artists incase of chargebacks and other problems caused by problematic clients. </Typography> </AccordionDetails> </Accordion> <Accordion expanded={expanded === 'panel4'} onChange={handleChange('panel4')} > <AccordionSummary expandIcon={<ExpandMoreIcon />} aria-controls="panel4d-content" id="panel4d-header" > <Typography component="h3" variant="subtitle2"> What countries are supported on the platforms for clients or for artists? </Typography> </AccordionSummary> <AccordionDetails> <Typography variant="body2" gutterBottom sx={{ maxWidth: { sm: '100%', md: '70%' } }} > This list will be changing often. We currently support all countries that Stripe supports. We are working on adding more payment processors to support more countries. </Typography> </AccordionDetails> </Accordion> </Box> </Container> ); }