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❤️ Next.js + Tauri = Nextauri ❤️
🌳 File Tree 🌳
@@ -24,186 +24,3 @@
-## ❓ What is Nextauri ?
-Nextauri is your favorite template for create cross-platform application using `Tauri` with `Next.js`.
-It came with minimal best practice setup so you can add anything fit your need.
-You can it use to develop `Windows`, `Linux` and `Mac` desktop application.
-But Tauri plan to have a mobile compatibility in the futur !
-## ✨ Key Features
-Nextauri integrates community-endorsed best practices with powerful tooling out of the box:
-### Code Quality Assurance
-- Community-recommended ESLint configuration for Next.js projects
-- Rust best practices enforced through Clippy linter for Tauri
-### Automated CI/CD Pipeline
-- GitHub Actions workflows that trigger when pushing and creating pull request:
- - Next.js project linting with ESLint
- - Tauri project analysis with Clippy
- - Production builds for all platforms:
- • Linux
- • Windows
- • macOS
-### Maintenance Automation
-- Automated weekly dependency updates keeping your stack fresh
-## 💪 Motivation
-Tauri is great to make secure cross platform application backed by `Rust` !
-It will load an `HTML` page inside a `Webview` and give the ability to do system call with `IPC`.
-If you are familliar with `electron` or `nextron` you can see it as a very good replacement with smaller bundle size, smaller memory usage and more secure.
-That make Next.js the perfect fit for bundle React application with Tauri since it comes with great Static-Site Generation `SSG` capability that will allow us to generates static files that will be included in the final binary.
-The `benefit` of using Next.js `SSG` mode is pre-rendered React code in static HTML/JavaScript.
This means your app will load faster.
-React doesn't have to render the `HTML` on the client-side but will hydrate it on the first load if needed.
-The `downside` is that we cannot use `getServerSideProps` or use any type of `data fetching` for rendering our page for a request.
-Instead we will use `getStaticProps` to generate our page at build time.
-Note that if you still want the power of `Rust` for generate your page you may have a look at [Neon](https://neon-bindings.com).
-It will allow you to call `Rust` code from Node.js !
-## 📦 Installation
-Be sure you have [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org/en/) and [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/) installed on your system
-1. See Tauri [prerequisites](https://tauri.app/v1/guides/getting-started/prerequisites/) to prepare your system to build `Tauri`
-2. Clone or fork this repository
- ```sh
- git clone https://github.com/d4m13n-d3v/file_tree_rust
- cd nextauri
- ```
-3. Install node dependencies
- ```sh
- npm install
- ```
-## 🎨 Developing
-To get started you only need one command
-npm run dev
-This will start both Tauri and Next.js in development mode.
-> Note that tauri is waiting for an http server to be alive on localhost:3000.
-> It's the default Next.js `port` while running in development
-You can modify the `port` by updating `src-tauri/tauri.conf.json`.
-"beforeDevCommand": "npm run next dev -- -p 8080",
-"devPath": "http://localhost:8080",
-### Source structure
-- `src-next/` are where Next.js files are located.
-- `src-tauri/` contain Tauri source files.
-## 🧪 Testing
-To test your application we recommand you to use [Cypress](https://www.cypress.io) using Tauri [mocking technique](https://tauri.app/v1/guides/testing/mocking).
-If you want me to add `Cypress` as part of the template react to this [discussion](https://github.com/d4m13n-d3v/file_tree_rust/discussions/19).
-You may also want to take a look to pre-alpha [WebDriver Testing](https://tauri.app/v1/guides/testing/webdriver/introduction) from Tauri.
-## ⚡Production
-To build in production you can do it in a single command.
-This will build and export Next.js and build Tauri for your current environnement.
-npm run tauri build
-Look into `src-tauri/tauri.conf.json` to tweak the settings,
-and refer to [Tauri](https://tauri.app/v1/guides/building) building documentation for more information.
-## ⚠️ Warning
-If you are new to Next.js beware when working with it in development !
-It will start a `Nodejs` server in background in order to have `HMR` (Hot Module Replacement) capability but also `SSR` (Server Side Rendering).
-That mean your React/Typescript code have two execution context :
-1. On the `Server`
- - Code is executed by Node.js runtime.
- - There is no notion of `window` or `navigator` it's part of `Browser API`
- - You cannot call `Tauri API` in this context since Tauri injection happen in the `Browser` side
-2. On the `Browser`
- - Code is executed by the Tauri `Webview`
- - `Tauri API` will work fine and any other `Browser API` package `d3.js` for example
-Note that your production code will alway be running in a `Browser` side context.
-Since we use the `SSG` feature from Next.js no Node.js server will be packaged in production.
-referenceError: navigator is not defined
-This error can orcur when importing `@tauri-apps/api` for example.
-There is 2 workarounds that you can use :
-1. Dynamic component method
- - Create your component
- ```tsx
- import React from 'react'
- import { window } from '@tauri-apps/api';
- const { appWindow } = window;
- export default function MyComponent() {
- {appWindow.label}
- }
- ```
- - Import your component
- ```tsx
- import dynamic from "next/dynamic";
- const MyComponent = dynamic(() => import("./path/to/my/component"), {
- ssr: false,
- });
- ```
-1. Is browser method
- ```js
- import { invoke } from '@tauri-apps/api/tauri'
- const isBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined'
- if (isBrowser) {
- /// Code will only execute on browser side
- }
- ```
-In general to safely invoke `Tauri API` you should use it in `componentDidMount`, `useEffect` or on user based `events` that will be alway executed in client side.
-## 📚 Documentation
-To learn more about Tauri and Next.js, take a look at the following resources:
-- [Tauri Guides](https://tauri.app/v1/guides/) - guide about Tauri.
-- [Tauri API](https://tauri.app/v1/api/js) - discover javascript Tauri api.
-- [Next.js Documentation](https://nextjs.org/docs) - learn more about Next.js.
-- [Next.js Tutorial](https://nextjs.org/learn) - interactive Next.js tutorial.