This is a repository that provides a template for you to start your Godot repositories on GitHub. This repository contains a basic project setup along with CI/CD. By default it will build for windows, linux and the web and upload their artifacts, along with deploying a build to GitHub Pages.
To use this properly we recommend creating pull requests into the main branch, and merging your changes in that way. We recommend making a small change to the workflow file in `/.github/workflows/game_ci.yaml` and changing line `169` from `prerelease: false` to `prerelease: true`. Whenever you want to do a proper release, you can go to the list of releases on your repository and change it to be a full release instead of pre-release. This will allow you to have builds for every version of the game, while also maintaining a selection of stable builds.
# Requirments
In order for the workflows in this repository to work with an existing project it requires certain export profiles to be configured. You need to have a windows, linux, and web export configured using the default names: "Windows Desktop","Linux/X11", and "Web".
# Migrating existing project
If you want to add this to an existing GitHub repository, just copy and paste the `.github` folder into the root of your existing repository. As long as your project has these exports and resides in the root of the repository the GitHub workflows should work fine.
# Versioning
When you push to the `main` branch the workflow will automatically be executed. The workflow will build for Web,Linux, and Windows, and then upload the build artifacts to the workflow. Then a new step will execute which will generate version numbers based on the commits. You can see below which keywords a commit message must start with to increment a major,minor, or patch number. At the end the workflow will create a release and upload the build artifacts to it.
The keywords for versioning are configured in the `GitVersion.yaml` in the root of the repository. This is the default value.