import { NextResponse } from "next/server"; import { createClient } from "@/utils/supabase/server"; import path from 'path'; export async function GET( request: Request, { params }: { params: { id: string } } ) { const id =; const supabase = createClient(); const { data: gallery, error } = await supabase.from('galleries').select("*").eq('name', id).single(); return NextResponse.json({ gallery }); } export async function PUT( request: Request, { params }: { params: { id: string } }){ const supabase = createClient(); const formData = await request.formData(); const tags = JSON.parse(formData.getAll('tags').toString()) as string[]; const originalName = formData.get('originalName'); const name = formData.get('name')?.toString(); const nsfw = formData.get('nsfw')?.toString(); const tier = formData.get('tier')?.toString(); const thumbnail = formData.get('thumbnail'); const { error } = await supabase.from('galleries').update({name, tags, nsfw, tier, thumbnail_file:thumbnail}).eq('name', originalName ?? ''); async function renameFolder(oldFolderName: any, newFolderName: string) { // Get a list of all files in the old folder let { data: oldFiles, error } = await'galleries').list(oldFolderName); if (error) { console.error('Error fetching files:', error); return; } // Move each file to the new folder if (oldFiles) { for (let file of oldFiles) { let oldPath =; let newPath = newFolderName + '/' + oldPath.split('/').pop(); let { error: moveError } = await'galleries').move(oldPath, newPath); if (moveError) { console.error(`Error moving file ${oldPath} to ${newPath}:`, moveError); } } } // Delete the old folder let { error: deleteError } = await'galleries').remove([oldFolderName]); if (deleteError) { console.error('Error deleting old folder:', deleteError); } } renameFolder(originalName, name ?? ''); if(error){ return NextResponse.error(); } let { data: galleries, error:galleriesError } = await supabase .from('galleries') .select('*'); return NextResponse.json({ success: true, galleries }); } export async function DELETE( request: Request, { params }: { params: { id: string } } ) { const id; const supabase = createClient(); const { data: gallery, error } = await supabase.from('galleries').delete().eq('name', id).single(); let { data: galleries, error:galleriesError } = await supabase .from('galleries') .select('*'); return NextResponse.json({ success: true, galleries }); } // const tagsResponse = await fetch(`/api/galleries/tags?search=${search}`); // const tagsData = await tagsResponse.json(); // const galleriesWithTagData = any) => { // const tags = tagsData.filter((tag: any) => gallery.tags.includes(; // return {, tags }; // }); // const formData = new FormData(); // formData.append('name', name); // formData.append('tags', JSON.stringify(tags)); // files.forEach((file: File) => { // formData.append('files', file); // }); // const response = await fetch('/api/galleries', { // method: 'POST', // body: formData, // }); // if (response.ok) { // const data = await response.json(); // // Handle success // } else { // // Handle error // }