# Neroshitron ![image](https://github.com/D4M13N-D3V/neroshitron/assets/13697702/e4a9e11b-0e52-42e0-ad9a-821a81e92e90) ![image](https://github.com/D4M13N-D3V/neroshitron/assets/13697702/78e009be-caa0-4ae6-9c06-90dde2ab4389) # Documentation For Technical Stack - https://nextjs.org/docs - https://supabase.com/docs/ - https://owncast.online/docs/ - https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ # Running Backend You will need docker installed. - https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ You will need supabase CLI. - https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ You need npm and nodejs installed. See documentation at start of document. - https://docs.npmjs.com/downloading-and-installing-node-js-and-npm 1) Open your terminal and navigate to the root of the git repository. 2) Make sure that docker and docker compose are installed. 3) Run `docker-compose --env-file ./docker.env up` which will start up OwnCast. 4) Run `supabase start` 5) Open your terminal and navigate to the root folder of the git repository. 6) Run the command `npm update`. 7) Once the depedencies are pulled and installed you can run the command `npm run dev` to run the application in development mode. 8) Open http://localhost:3000/ ### Updating the database/Seeding data Run `supabase db reset`. This will wipe data. https://supabase.com/docs/guides/cli/local-development?queryGroups=access-method&access-method=kong#database-migrations ** Once the data is seeded you will need to go to the galleries bucket and add images to the folders that exist in it for the seeded galleries. ** ## inbucket http://localhost:54324su/monitor This is where all mail being sent shows up from the application for developers. ## OwnCast http://localhost:8080/ Configuration is done through the Owncast administration page located on your server under /admin. The login username is admin and the password is your stream key, the default being abc123. # User Flow Diagram ![image](https://github.com/D4M13N-D3V/neroshitron/assets/13697702/57379445-8bd5-4a7e-8a15-7fa0b3ae42dc) # Database Diagram ![image](https://github.com/D4M13N-D3V/neroshitron/assets/13697702/b3387b77-d8c6-41c4-9fe8-d52dadb6bc5e)