import { NextResponse } from "next/server"; import { createClient } from "@/utils/supabase/server"; import sharp from 'sharp'; async function blurImage(blob: Buffer): Promise { // Convert the blob to a sharp object const image = sharp(blob); // Blur the image const blurredImage = await image.blur(75).toBuffer(); return blurredImage; } export async function GET( request: Request, { params }: { params: { id: string } } ) { const galleryId =; const supabase = createClient(); const user = await supabase.auth.getUser(); const { data: gallery, error: galleryError } = await supabase .from('galleries') .select('*') .eq('name', .single(); // List all files in the path let { data: files, error } = await'galleries').list(galleryId); if (files==null || error) { //console.error('Error listing files:', error); return NextResponse.error(); } const urls = []; // Loop through each file, download it, convert it to base64, and add the data URL to the array for (const file of files) { let { data: blobdata, error } = await'galleries').download(galleryId+"/"; if (error || blobdata==null) { //console.error('Error downloading file:', error); continue; } let blobBuffer = Buffer.from(await blobdata.arrayBuffer()); let userId =; let { data: subscription, error: rolesError } = await supabase .from('user_subscriptions') .select('*') .eq('user_id', userId) .single(); switch(gallery.tier){ case "Tier 3": if(subscription?.tier!="Tier 3"){ blobBuffer = await blurImage(blobBuffer); } break; case "Tier 2": if(subscription?.tier!="Tier 3" && subscription?.tier!="Tier 2"){ blobBuffer = await blurImage(blobBuffer); } break; case "Tier 1": if(subscription?.tier!="Tier 3" && subscription?.tier!="Tier 2" && subscription?.tier!="Tier 1"){ blobBuffer = await blurImage(blobBuffer); } break; default: break; } const contentType ='.png') ? 'image/png' : 'image/jpeg'; const dataUrl = `data:${contentType};base64,${blobBuffer.toString('base64')}`; urls.push(dataUrl); } // Return a JSON response with the array of URLs return new Response(JSON.stringify(urls), { headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' } }); }