"use client"; import { createClient } from "@/utils/supabase/client"; import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import Search from "@/components/neroshitron/search"; import Gallery from "@/components/neroshitron/gallery"; import Link from "next/link"; function PageComponent() { const [selectedGallery, setSelectedGallery] = useState<string | null>(null); const supabase = createClient(); const getData = async () => { } useEffect(() => { getData(); }, [selectedGallery]); const closeGallery = () => { setSelectedGallery(null); } return ( <div className="w-full"> <div className="w-2/4"> <Search gallerySelected={(gallery:string)=>{setSelectedGallery(gallery)}}/> </div> {selectedGallery!=null ? ( <> {/* This is the modal for holding the gallery */} <div className={`fixed inset-0 transition-opacity z-30 animate-in`} aria-hidden="true" > <div className="absolute inset-0 bg-secondary-dark opacity-70 z-30" onClick={() => closeGallery()} ></div> <div className="absolute inset-0 overflow-y-auto overflow-x-hidden no-scrollbar pt-2 w-full p-20 z-30"> <Gallery id={selectedGallery as string} columns={3} closeMenu={() => closeGallery()} ></Gallery> </div> </div> </> ) : null} </div> ); } export default PageComponent;