Documentation For Technical Stack
Running Backend
You will need docker installed.
You will need supabase CLI.
You need npm and nodejs installed. See documentation at start of document.
- Open your terminal and navigate to the root of the git repository.
- Make sure that docker and docker compose are installed.
- Run
docker-compose --env-file ./docker.env up
which will start up OwnCast. - Run
supabase start
- Open your terminal and navigate to the root folder of the git repository.
- Run the command
npm update
. - Once the depedencies are pulled and installed you can run the command
npm run dev
to run the application in development mode. - Open http://localhost:3000/
Updating the database/Seeding data
Run supabase db reset
. This will wipe data.
** Once the data is seeded you will need to go to the galleries bucket and add images to the folders that exist in it for the seeded galleries. **
http://localhost:54324su/monitor This is where all mail being sent shows up from the application for developers.
http://localhost:8080/ Configuration is done through the Owncast administration page located on your server under /admin. The login username is admin and the password is your stream key, the default being abc123.