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# MeiliSearch .NET Embedded NuGet Version License ## Overview MeiliSearch .NET Integration is a NuGet package that seamlessly embeds MeiliSearch into your C# application. It manages the background process and health checks for you, simplifying the integration of full-text search capabilities. In future updates, it will also handle automatic compression and decompression of indexes to help manage local storage usage effectively. ## Features - [x] Embedded MeiliSearch: Integrate MeiliSearch directly into your application. - [x] Background Process Management: Automatically handles the lifecycle of the MeiliSearch process. - [x] Health Monitoring: Regular checks on the health of the MeiliSearch instance. - [x] API Key Management: An API key is automatically regenerated every time the MeiliSearch service starts unless one is specified in the configuration. - [ ] Resource Monitoring: Monitor the resources being used including storage by your MeiliSearch. - [ ] Future Index Management: Upcoming feature to automatically compress and decompress indexes for optimized local storage. ## Installation To add the MeiliSearch .NET Integration package to your project, you can install it directly from the GitHub Package repository. Follow the steps below based on your preferred method: ### Package Manager Console Open the Package Manager Console in Visual Studio and run the following command: bash Install-Package D4M13N-D3V/meilisearch.NET ### .NET CLI If you're using the .NET CLI, run the following command in your terminal: bash dotnet add package D4M13N-D3V/meilisearch.NET ### Configure NuGet To install the package, ensure your project is configured to use GitHub Packages as a NuGet source. You can do this by adding the following to your nuget.config file: xml <configuration> <packageSources> <add key="GitHub" value="" /> </packageSources> <packageSourceCredentials> <GitHub> <add key="Username" value="YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME" /> <add key="ClearTextPassword" value="YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN" /> </GitHub> </packageSourceCredentials> </configuration> Make sure to replace YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME with your GitHub username and YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN with a personal access token that has read access to packages. ## AppSettings Options - Port: The port on which MeiliSearch will run (default is 7700). - UiEnabled: A boolean value to enable or disable the MeiliSearch UI (default is true). - ApiKey: An optional API key. If specified, this key will be used; otherwise, a new key will be generated each time the service starts. ## Usage To set up the MeiliSearch service in your application, configure dependency injection as shown below: csharp using System.Net; using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.SystemDefault; var builder = Host.CreateApplicationBuilder(); builder.Configuration.AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: false, reloadOnChange: true); builder.Services.AddMeiliSearchService(); builder.Logging.ClearProviders(); builder.Logging.AddConsole(); builder.Logging.SetMinimumLevel(LogLevel.Information); builder.Services.AddLogging(); var app = builder.Build(); app.Run(); Console.ReadLine(); ## MeiliSearchService Class Usage Guide ### Methods #### Start Starts the MeiliSearch process. Logs the start of the process, sets the status to Starting, and attempts to start the process. csharp MeiliSearchService service = new MeiliSearchService(); service.Start(); #### Stop Stops the MeiliSearch process. Logs the stop of the process, sets the status to Stopping, and attempts to stop the process. csharp service.Stop(); #### Restart Restarts the MeiliSearch process. Stops the process using the Stop method and starts it using the Start method. csharp service.Restart(); ### Status Indicates the current status of the MeiliSearch process. csharp MeiliSearchStatus status = service.Status; ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details. ## Contributing We welcome contributions! Please feel free to submit issues, pull requests, or suggestions to improve this project. ## Support For any issues or questions, please open an issue on GitHub or contact us via [your contact method].

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