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image image

Documentation For Technical Stack

Running Backend

You will need docker installed.

You will need supabase CLI.

You need npm and nodejs installed. See documentation at start of document.

  1. Open your terminal and navigate to the root of the git repository.
  2. Make sure that docker and docker compose are installed.
  3. Run docker-compose --env-file ./docker.env up which will start up OwnCast.
  4. Run supabase start
  5. Open your terminal and navigate to the root folder of the git repository.
  6. Run the command npm update.
  7. Once the depedencies are pulled and installed you can run the command npm run dev to run the application in development mode.
  8. Open http://localhost:3000/

Updating the database/Seeding data

Run supabase db reset. This will wipe data. https://supabase.com/docs/guides/cli/local-development?queryGroups=access-method&access-method=kong#database-migrations

** Once the data is seeded you will need to go to the galleries bucket and add images to the folders that exist in it for the seeded galleries. **


http://localhost:54324su/monitor This is where all mail being sent shows up from the application for developers.


http://localhost:8080/ Configuration is done through the Owncast administration page located on your server under /admin. The login username is admin and the password is your stream key, the default being abc123.

User Flow Diagram


Database Diagram


React Components

The Gallery component is a React component used to display a gallery of images. It fetches images from an API and displays them in a Masonry layout.


  • id (number): The ID of the gallery to fetch images from.
  • closeMenu (function): A function to close the menu.


  • isSingle (boolean): A state to check if only a single image is to be displayed.
  • loaded (object): A state to keep track of loaded images.
  • selectedImage (string | null): A state to keep track of the selected image.
  • images (string[]): A state to store the fetched images.
  • galleryId (number): A state to store the gallery ID.


  • getData: An async function to fetch images from the API.
  • generateRandomString: A function to generate a random string of a given length.
  • handleDownload: A function to handle the download of an image.


The example below will load the images of the the gallery with an ID of 58201557-b392-471e-ac55-dcf6171cd18d and will call the function for setIsOpen(false) when the back button is clicked.

    <Gallery id={"58201557-b392-471e-ac55-dcf6171cd18d"} closeMenu={() => setIsOpen(false)}></Gallery>

GalleryThumbnail Component

The GalleryThumbnail component is a React component used to display a thumbnail of a gallery. It fetches the thumbnail image from an API and displays it. When clicked, it triggers a callback function with the gallery ID.


  • id (string): The ID of the gallery to fetch the thumbnail for.
  • onSelect (function): A function to be called when the thumbnail is clicked. The gallery ID is passed as an argument.
  • title (string) : The name of the gallery.
  • subscription (subscription) : The name of the subscription required for the gallery.


  • galleryId (string): A state to store the gallery ID.
  • thumbnailUrl (string): A state to store the fetched thumbnail URL.
  • isLoading (boolean): A state to keep track of the loading status.


  • openGallery: A function to call the onSelect prop with the gallery ID.
  • getData: An async function to fetch the thumbnail from the API.


This will render a thumbnail for the gallery with the ID of "1". When the thumbnail is clicked, it will log the gallery ID to the console.

<GalleryThumbnail id="1" onSelect={(id) => //console.log(id)} />
Prototyping for art sas platform #2
Readme 64 MiB
TypeScript 96.6%
JavaScript 1.5%
CSS 1.5%
Dockerfile 0.4%